If your marketing does not directly support your sales team, you could be missing out on new business opportunities every single day.
In this article, we will show you nine ways content marketing can support your sales team to help you maximize the productivity of your sales reps and generate more revenue.
9 Ways Content Marketing Can Support Your Sales Team
1. Define Responsibilities and Expectations
Content marketing works best when your sales team knows what your marketing team is up to, and vice versa.
Ensure everyone is on the same page when it comes to syncing your marketing and sales efforts. Decide where their responsibilities overlap and how you are going to coordinate effort.
Keep lines of communication open and adjust responsibilities and strategies when necessary.
2. Define the Buyer’s Journey
Content marketing is focused on meeting your customer where they are at, whether they are just starting to explore the problem they are facing, or are ready to click the “buy” button.
Your sales team should understand the buyer’s journey as well as your content marketing team does.
This will help them tune into the needs and wants of each customer and have more effective sales conversations as a result.
3. Create Content for Each Stage of the Buyer’s Journey
Help your sales team along the way by ensuring they have the collateral content they need to succeed.
This includes first call decks, product sheets, and effective follow-up templates, as well as educational blog posts and video content to share with a potential customer.
4. Build Brand Awareness
If you use content marketing to build brand awareness, your sales rep does not have to start from zero when talking to a new customer.
If your customer already knows who you are before their first sales call, your sales team will be able to close more deals in a much shorter amount of time.
5. Create a Web Presence That Sells
A content-driven website is your most valuable sales tool.
It will help you guide your customer exactly where you want them to go, whether that’s signing up for your email list or booking a free consultation.
6. Nurture Leads with Automated Email Content
Help your sales team stay in touch by regularly sending out useful, relevant content to potential prospects.
This type of email marketing is much more effective than the traditional “just checking in” email coming from a sales rep.
7. Stand Out from the Competition
A good content marketing strategy will take into account what the competition is doing. Having this knowledge will also help your sales team, so share it!
If they know what points the competition has addressed through their content, your sales team can find ways to position your business as a better choice.
8. Track Your Results to Get Valuable Customer Data
Tracking and analyzing your content marketing results can provide valuable information about your target audience.
What types of content do they prefer? Which CTAs (calls to action) do they respond to?
Your sales team can use this knowledge in their own conversations to make the customer feel like your business really “gets” them.
9. Create a Feedback Loop to Maximize Results
Establish a process that combines feedback from your sales team with analytics from content marketing, and you will be well on your way to a winning sales and marketing strategy.
How HandmadeSEO Can Help
Here at Handmade SEO, we don’t just grow traffic.
We create and execute a content strategy that helps you support your sales team and close more deals than ever before.
Want to see how we can work together?