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5 Steps to a Successful Content Strategy for Law Firms

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5 Steps to a Successful Content Strategy for Law Firms | Handmade SEO
5 Steps to a Successful Content Strategy for Law Firms | Handmade SEO

Did you know that only 25% of small law firms have a blog – and even fewer have a documented content strategy to go with it?

If you do content marketing right, you have an excellent chance to blow your competition out of the water.

But what does a great content strategy look like? And how can you start building one for your law firm? Keep reading to find out!

Why Law Firms Need a Content Strategy

Having a well-documented content strategy increases the effectiveness of content marketing, both for business-to-business (B2B) and business-to-customer (B2C) companies.

But let’s back up a bit: why do law firms need content marketing at all?

70% of law firms have generated new cases through their websites.

The content on your website matters, because it helps your law firm establish authority and build trust with potential clients.

It also makes your website more likely to be found on Google when a potential client searches for an answer to one of their legal questions.

5 Steps to a Successful Content Strategy for Law Firms

1. Research, Research, Research

Our clients often tell us that a surprising amount of practicing law comes down to doing research. The same goes for creating a successful content strategy.

What are your potential clients like? What questions are they asking? And what are their main pain points?

If you take the time to answer these questions, you will have a much easier time coming up with winning content ideas.

2. Set Specific, Measurable Goals

Do you want to generate traffic? Bring in more leads? Build brand awareness?

Whatever your main goal is, set specific, measurable goals and establish a system for tracking your results.

It will help you understand which tactics are working (and which ones are not) and tailor your content strategy accordingly.

3. Use the Buyer’s Journey to Brainstorm Content Ideas

To make brainstorming easier, you can use something called “the buyer’s journey.”

Structuring your content strategy around the 3 stages of the buyer’s journey will make it easier to generate content ideas, as well as spot any gaps in your strategy.

4. Check out the Competition

See how your competition is using content marketing and use this information to adjust your own strategy.

How can you create content that is better than what your competitor has on their website?

If a potential client had both of your websites open (yours and your competitor’s), what would make them call you instead of your competitor?

5. Choose the Right Promotion Channel

Where does your potential customer hang out online? That is where you want to promote and distribute your content.

We recommend focusing the bulk of your distribution and promotion efforts on search engine optimization (SEO) because it is the most cost-effective way to drive traffic to your website.

However, SEO is a long-term strategy, so you may want to supplement your efforts with social media and email marketing.


How Handmade SEO Can Help

When you have a great content strategy in place, you can start creating content that attracts prospects to your website and turns them into paying clients.

And, if you’d like a little help, just give us a call.

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